Published on

Oct 2022 - Jul 2023

Pilgrimage Blog

Pilgrimage Blog

In 2022, Björn and I went on an extraordinary pilgrimage, a journey that not only tested our physical and mental endurance but also unexpectedly steered us towards an entrepreneurial venture. Covering over, 2000 km by foot through France, Spain, and Portugal, we discovered the essence of minimalistic living, carrying our world in our backpacks and finding solace under the stars in our little blue tent.

This three-month odyssey was more than a physical challenge - it was a journey of self-discovery and inspiration. Fuelled by the raw beauty of our surroundings and the simplicity of our lifestyle, we felt compelled to share our experiences. Thus began our venture into the blogging world with a humble WordPress site. Our blog, started with simple tips for wild-camping on the way to Saint James, unexpectedly resonated with readers. The turning point came when a reader reached out, expressing how our content profoundly impacted them. This moment was not just validating, but also a clear indicator of the potential our experiences had to inspire and assist others.

Blog Articles

Post-pilgrimage, fueled by the encouraging feedback, we dove headfirst into transforming our blog into a robust platform. Our focus on SEO was relentless, resulting in significant growth – a testament to our dedication and adaptability. We didn’t just stop at growing our blog to 10,000 monthly visitors; we expanded our reach by building an engaged email list and launching a Woo-Commerce Online Shop featuring unique pilgrims' gadgets. Our entrepreneurial journey was gaining momentum.

Recognizing the value in our content, we compiled our best-performing articles into a comprehensive camping guide for the Way of Saint James, self-published via Amazon KDP. This, along with our 'Camino Family Friendship Book,' not only diversified our venture but also created a little passive income stream.

We also developed an online game named 'Camino Mysteries Stories.' This React-based game, inspired by the captivating riddles of 'Black Stories,' was themed around the Way of Saint James.

Camino Mysteries Stories

By July 2023, we reached a pivotal moment. Our venture had achieved considerable success, yet we felt it was time to pause and reassess. This decision was driven not by failure but by strategic foresight. With the knowledge and experience gained, we realized that while rewarding, this niche might not align perfectly with our long-term aspirations.

As we stand in 2024, we look back at this chapter as a period of immense growth, learning, and entrepreneurial spirit. The pilgrimage was not just a physical journey - it became a catalyst for discovering our potential as content creators, marketers, and entrepreneurs. This experience has armed us with invaluable skills and insights, ready to be applied to future endeavors that align more closely with our evolving goals and aspirations.