Published on

Dec 2021 - Jul 2022

Podcast Krypto Kreisel

Krypto Kreisel

Krypto Kreisel began in December 2021, during the peak of cryptocurrency's popularity. It was a time when the buzz of crypto was everywhere, yet many fell victim to scams and misguided investments. This inspired me to start something meaningful.

Our startup, Kopply, was facing challenges at the time, but we remained optimistic. Seeking a creative outlet and a fresh perspective to rejuvenate our entrepreneurial spirits, I ventured into the world of podcasting with “Krypto Kreisel.” The aim was simple: to explain blockchain technology and make it accessible to everyone.

Launching a new episode each week, the podcast started gaining traction. After some time, Björn joined me on this enlightening journey, bringing a second viewpoint to the channel.

But soon I realized a surge in sensationalist content and a growing demand from listeners for quick riches and day-trading strategies. We stood at a crossroads, faced with the choice of chasing trends or staying true to our values.

However, when the crypto landscape changed drastically in the following summer and the market went down, we chose integrity over popularity and concluded “Krypto Kreisel” as we embarked on our pilgrimage.

This podcast was a profound chapter in our journey. It exemplified our dedication to our core principles, reminding us of the importance of staying true to our values, even in the face of enticing opportunities.